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Holy Family Catholic Primary School



01229 828018


Design and Technology

Design and Technology at Holy Family

At Holy Family we aim to make Design and Technology as exciting, creative and inspiring as it can be. Our children will use Design and Technology to become problem-solvers, risk takers and innovators. We provide our children with an extremely varied curriculum, allowing them to create textiles, food and structures whilst learning from artists, designers, architects, engineers and chefs both in history and today. Our children will learn how to incorporate mechanical and electrical systems into their designs and products whilst drawing on disciplines such as maths, science, art, engineering and computing. Design and Technology plays a huge role in society, wealth and culture in our world today and this exciting subject allows our children to become inspired, resourceful and capable creators with a real life purpose.

Design and Technology in the EYFS

At Holy Family, we believe that during the Early years, the essential building blocks of children's design and technology capability are established. There are many opportunities for carrying out D&T-related activities in all areas of learning in the EYFS, especially through the specific areas of Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design. Children are provided with a vast range of materials, resources and objects that they can play with, explore and create with. Through first-hand experiences and providing an enabling and engaging environment, children will develop the following skills:

  • Constructing: Learning to construct with a purpose in mind.
  • Structure and joins: Experimenting with junk modelling.
  • Using a range of tools: Through this, our children will learn about planning and adapting initial ideas to
    make them better. 
  • Cooking techniques: They will practise stirring, mixing, pouring and blending ingredients during cookery
  • Exploration: Children will dismantle things and learn about how everyday objects work, or explore how
    things work.
  • Discussion: Children will be given opportunities to discuss reasons that make activities safe or unsafe.

Design and Technology in Key Stage One

In Year 1 and Year 2, our children have lots of exciting opportunities to develop their skills in designing, making, evaluating and cooking and nutrition. 

Design: Throughout Years 1 and 2, our children will further develop their basic designing skills and begin to  communicate their designs through talking, drawing and templates, and sometimes using ICT.

Make: During the making process, they will become familiar with safely using tools and equipment for joining, cutting and shaping and use a wide range of materials for construction, textiles and food.

Evaluate: Year 1 and 2 children will evaluate their own and existing products and explore and discuss how structures can be made stiffer, stronger and more stable. 

Technical knowledge: Through their class projects and continuous provision, our children in Key Stage 1 will also explore and use some different mechanisms such as levers, sliders, wheels and axles.

Cooking and nutrition: Throughout Key Stage 1, children will develop their understanding of the basic principles of a healthy diet. They will plan their own meals and snacks and prepare them carefully, following food hygiene rules and the rules of kitchen safety.

Design and Technology in Key Stage Two

In Years 3 - 6, the children will build on and enhance their skills learnt in Key Stage One.

Design: The children will learn to produce more detailed designs, based on their own research and aimed at particular target groups.

Make: During the making process, the children will learn to use a wider variety of tools safely and accurately and they will use a wider variety of materials and components in their constructions, textiles and food making.

Evaluate: The children will evaluate their work more thoroughly and also learn to seek evaluation from others. The children will begin to understand how Design and Technology has helped shape the world today. 

Technical knowledge: Throughout Key Stage Two, our children will use a variety of mechanical and electrical systems in their work and they will also learn to use their programming and computing skills in their products.

Cooking and Nutrition: Throughout Key Stage 2, our children will learn to plan and prepare dishes with increasing confidence and awareness of safety and hygiene. They will explore where food comes from and about products that are seasonal. They will explore cultural differences relating to cooking and will develop their creativity when preparing food.

Please click here to see a full overview of the Design and Technology National Curriculum.

Please take a look at our Design and Technology Long Term Plan to see what your child will learn each year at Holy Family.