We believe in a computing curriculum that is easy to follow and will equip children with the skills and knowledge they need to use technology safely and creatively. Computing isn’t a subject just about memorising facts and vocabulary words, it is about solving complex problems, being able to collaborate with others and learn from mistakes. We want children to become independent and to have fun with technology while developing 21st-century skills.
We see the computing curriculum as an exciting opportunity to prepare children for the future. A curriculum that meets the interests of all learners, with a range of exciting creative activities and open-ended challenges based on the essential requirements of the computing program of study. We also ensure children can build on their understanding, as each new concept and skill is taught with opportunities for children to revisit skills and knowledge as they progress through school.
Our computing curriculum follows the aims of the National Curriculum and we ensure in-depth coverage by teaching skills and understanding through three areas of Computer Science, Information Technology and Digital Literacy.
At Holy Family, we teach each Computing strand discreetly, linking Computing lessons to our wider school curriculum wherever possible. Each term, every class will be learning the same strand of Computing using a computing Scheme of work called Knowsley CLCs. Below is an overview of each year group’s computing curriculum. For further details of what your child will be doing in Computing this term please refer to the year group’s Curriculum Map.
Online safety is an important part of our computing and PSHE curriculum.
Children are increasingly using the Internet at a younger and younger age. Whilst this brings a range of exciting learning opportunities we, as teachers and parents/carers, need to be proactive and teach them how to use the web sensibly and be safe online.
E-Safety learning is built in to all topics as well as providing parents and pupils with regular E-Safety focuses. Please see our ‘E-Safety Section’ on our school website for more information.
You can also find out more about our online safety curriculum in our Online Safety Policy.