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Holy Family Catholic Primary School



01229 828018


How to become a Governor

 Voluntary Aided schools have:

· Parent governors

· Staff governors

· Local Authority governors

· Foundation governors

Parent Governors

Parent governors are elected by other parents and carers at the school, however if insufficient parents stand for election, the governing body can appoint parent governors. A parent governor is a representative and not a delegate of the parents. Therefore parent governors do not have to vote in a particular way because they have been pressed by other parents to do so. Parent governors are on the governing body to promote the interests of all children in the school.

Staff Governors

Staff governors are elected by staff at the school. All paid staff at the school are eligible to become staff governors. The head teacher is a staff governor, but is a member of the governing body by right. Staff governors have equal status in the responsibility they share with all members of the governing body. However, staff governors cannot be chair or vice chair of the governing body and must withdraw from the governing body when discussions regarding appraisal or pay of staff is discussed. This does not apply to the head teacher, apart from when his/her pay is discussed. Again staff governors do not have to vote in a particular way because they have been pressed by other staff to do so.

Authority Governors

Authority governors are nominated by the Local Authority and appointed by the Governing Body. Cumbria County Council can appoint any individual it thinks suitable for school governorship, many local councillors are school governors. Like all governors, authority governors must act in the best interests of the school and the wider community and cannot be mandated to take a particular stance on issues. However their knowledge and understanding of council priorities will inform debates.

Foundation Governors

Foundation governors are appointed by the school’s founding body, the Diocese of Lancaster. Foundation governors are appointed to support and develop the Catholic ethos of the school. They have to ensure compliance with the Trust Deeds of the school.

Associate Members

Associate members are appointed by invitation of the governing body. They may take part in all aspects of school governance but they do not hold any voting rights.
