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Holy Family Catholic Primary School



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  1. News
  2. Key Stage 1
  3. KS1 Nativity information

KS1 Nativity information

10 December 2024 (by holyfamily)

Good morning,

We are now very excited to perform our nativity this week!

Here is a reminder of the information for our performances this week. 

The performances for Key Stage One will be held over Wednesday 11th December and Thursday 12th December. To limit the number of people attending in the hall at one time, we have split the dates and times as follows:

  • Wednesday 11th December - 2.30pm Year 2 parents & families
  • Wednesday 11th December - 5.30pm Year 1 parents & families
  • Thursday 12th December - 10.30am Year 1 parents & families
  • Thursday 12th December - 5.30pm Year 2 parents & families

Evening performances: 

The Year 1 /Year 2 Nativities do require ALL Year 1 and Year 2 children to attend both Wednesday and Thursday evening performances. 

Please can we ask the children to come back to school for 5:10pm. The children are to come through their classroom door. 

Following the daytime performance on Wednesday, the children will be sent home in their costumes. The children are asked to come back to school dressed in them for the Wednesday night-time performance.

Please then make sure your child’s costume is brought back into school (in a named bag) on Thursday morning, ready for another full day of performances.

Not long now!

Any questions, please don’t hesitate to come to speak to us. 

Thank you for your support. 

Kind regards, 

KS1 Team.