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Holy Family Catholic Primary School



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  1. News
  2. School News
  3. Wreaths for our loved ones

Wreaths for our loved ones

4 December 2024 (by holyfamily)

Good morning

Our wreaths that were made yesterday by our Y5/6 children were all taken home to place on the graves of loved ones. I understand that not everyone who wanted to take a wreath was able to as there were not enough for everyone. The wreaths were made in pairs as it is easier to make a wreath with a partner due to how time consuming they are to make. We tried to ensure that any children or parents who requested one due to a recent loss were able to get one but I am aware that not everyone managed to get one.

Next year, we are going to do this differently and instead of a 'first come first served' approach to giving out the wreaths, we are going to ask for requests via a google form so we can make personalised wreaths.

I am sorry for any upset it may have caused if your child was unable to make a wreath.

Kind regards

Mrs Porter