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Holy Family Catholic Primary School



01229 828018

  1. News
  2. School News
  3. REMINDERS - Advent Wreath of Giving next week

REMINDERS - Advent Wreath of Giving next week

27 November 2024 (by holyfamily)

CAFOD ENVELOPES - As the month of November draws to a close, this is just a reminder for anyone who would like to donate to CAFOD. Thank you to those families who have already donated. If you would like to donate, your child should have brought an envelope home with them with the CAFOD logo on the outside.

ADVENT WREATH OF GIVING - We are all looking forward to our Advent Day on Tuesday 3rd. This is a reminder to check our Autumn Term Catholic Life newsletter (in the newsletter section of the app) to see what gifts we have asked your children to donate.

As always, we really appreciate your support with our charity initiatives.