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Holy Family Catholic Primary School



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  1. News
  2. Year 6
  3. Year 6 Residential Meeting & Additional Information

Year 6 Residential Meeting & Additional Information

6 November 2024 (by holyfamily)

Dear Parents,

Thank you to all who attended the meeting today. If you were unable to attend, the PowerPoint presentation is available on your child’s Showbie account.

As mentioned, there has been a slight change to the staff structure for the upcoming trip. The trip will now be led by Mrs. Kendall, with Mr. Healey and Mrs. West also attending. All are very experienced and familiar with the Year 6 children.

If you have any questions regarding the trip, please feel free to contact any of the staff members mentioned above.

In terms of Year 6 teaching, Miss Clarke will continue to teach Year 6 in the mornings until Christmas, and I, Mrs. Kaighan, will be returning in January. I appreciate your support with the changes that have occurred this year. 

Many thanks

Mrs Kaighan