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Holy Family Catholic Primary School



01229 828018

  1. News
  2. School News
  3. Social Media – warning

Social Media – warning

25 October 2024 (by holyfamily)

Social Media – warning

There have been reports recently of children across the north of the country as well as in Cumbria being added to large groups on social media apps, such as WhatsApp. There are numerous risks to children and young people when using chat apps such as being added to group chats where they don’t know the other people in the group, and also the increased chance they will come across upsetting or negative messages.


Check to see if your child is part of any group chats;

Consider removing them immediately from unknown groups if they are a member;

Consider reporting the group to the relevant social media platform if there is inappropriate content; and

Notify the police if you come across any particularly serious or harmful content.


Many thanks in advance,