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Holy Family Catholic Primary School



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  1. News
  2. School News
  3. Important Dates

Important Dates

4 October 2024 (by holyfamily)

Good afternoon,

In the next few weeks, we have quite a busy time ahead, so I’d like to remind you of some important dates.

Thursday 10th October – Hello Yellow is back!

Hello Yellow is back! Wear it loud, wear it proud on World Mental Health Day (10th October) and stand together with thousands of people across the country for young people’s mental health. Children wear a touch of yellow - You do not need to purchase a special outfit.


Friday 11th October – Non-Uniform Day

On this day, we ask that children bring a contribution for our tombolas for our Muggle Mayhem event:

Nursery/Reception/Year 1/Year 2: A chocolate item for the chocolate tombola.

Year 3/Year 4/Year 5/Year 6: A bottle for the bottle tombola. If it’s a bottle of alcohol, please send it directly to the office and have it brought in by an adult.


Monday 21st October – Pumpkin Parade

We invite all families to carve a pumpkin to help decorate our school for Hogwarts Day. Please bring these into school on Monday 21st October. Please make sure they are labelled with their name.


Wednesday 23rd  October - Hogwarts Day!
We invite all children to dress up as Hogwarts students. Please avoid sending your child in any scary characters, such as Voldemort. You don’t need to purchase a special outfit—your child’s school uniform with a hat or cape will be perfect. If possible, please provide a broom so your child can take part in Quidditch and broomstick flying lessons. We are excited to offer an opportunity to purchase a special professional Hogwarts photo taken by the talented Forest and Fern Photographer. More information on how to order these memorable photos will follow on Hogwarts Newsletter next week.


Wednesday 23rd  October -Muggles Mayhem (3:30pm - 5:00pm)
Please join us for Muggles Mayhem. Entry is £2.50 per adult, with children attending for free. Each adult ticket includes a drink (tea, coffee, or juice) and a sweet treat. The event will feature exciting games, food stalls, and crafts for the children to enjoy in the classrooms, along with fun games.


Thank you!

Mrs Kaighan

Deputy Headteacher