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Holy Family Catholic Primary School



01229 828018

  1. News
  2. Nursery
  3. Nursery Key Information

Nursery Key Information

18 September 2024 (by holyfamily)

The children have settled in amazingly well over the past couple of weeks and we have enjoyed getting to know them all. We thought we would just recap some key information.

Throughout the week the children work with a number of different adults:

Monday AM - Mrs Montague
Monday PM - Mrs Morrow

Tuesday AM - Mrs Montague
Tuesday PM - Mrs Morrow

Wednesday AM - Mrs Montague
Wednesday PM - Mrs Montague

Thursday AM - Mr B
Thursday PM - Mrs Morrow

Friday AM - Mrs Montague
Friday PM - Mrs Morrow

Miss Phizacklea is in class full time and Mrs Wadd is in on a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday afternoon.

We provide a morning and afternoon snack for the children, a contribution of £2 a week is very much appreciated and will also goes towards ingredients when we bake.

If your child is staying for lunch, lunchtime supervision needs to be booked through the school app. We ask that you book for lunch supervision ahead of the upcoming week when possible.

We will upload photos of the exciting things your child is doing in nursery through Tapestry, so log in regularly to keep updated.

If you ever have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch at either or

The Nursery Team.