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Holy Family Catholic Primary School



01229 828018

  1. News
  2. School News
  3. Important Updates and Reminders for the New School Year

Important Updates and Reminders for the New School Year

13 September 2024 (by holyfamily)

Dear Parents,

The first full week of school has flown by, and we're pleased to share that the children have settled in really well. It has been a pleasure getting to know the new children who have joined Holy Family.

We’d like to remind you that School Jotter is our main form of communication. Please ensure your settings are up to date so you don’t miss any important information, including updates or changes to events and dates. Club information is also available through School Jotter, so be sure to keep an eye on these updates. Once the deadline for joining a club has passed, we cannot add any more children to the list, so please don’t miss out!

We also encourage you to regularly check the calendar section in School Jotter, which provides key upcoming dates.

Additionally, if you haven’t already, please take a moment to read through our Welcome Newsletter, which contains lots of useful information to help you throughout the school year.

As we continue to foster a positive and supportive school community, we kindly ask that if you have any concerns or issues, please come directly to the school. Open communication is key to maintaining a healthy relationship between home and school, and we are always here to help.

Thank you for your continued support as we begin this new academic year. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the school.