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Holy Family Catholic Primary School



01229 828018

  1. News
  2. Year 4
  3. Year 4 information

Year 4 information

7 September 2024 (by holyfamily)

Dear Parents,

We have had a wonderful three days back at school and the class have settled in extremely well. Their behaviour and manner has been impeccable. I can tell we are going to have a wonderful year ahead of us!

Here is some information for the start of the term in Year 4:

PE days 

This term our PE days will be Monday and Thursday. Please can children come to school in their PE uniforms on these days and ensure any earrings are either removed or that the child is able to remove them independently.


  • Reading: 20-25 minutes independently/ with an adult reading daily to be recorded in the Reading folder on Showbie. Once they have finished their book, children should write a review in class which will be placed in out book review folder. This will include the title and author, the plot and what they liked or disliked about the book. 
  • Times tables: to be practised daily for ten minutes using TT Rockstars or an alternative method.
  • Spellings: to be practised using Spelling Shed or an alternative method. 


I will teach the class Tuesday-Friday. Mr Healey (9-10:30am) and Mr B will teach the class on a Monday.

Please do get in touch if you are unable to access any of the online platforms we use.

If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to speak with us or you can contact me via email on

Thank you for your support 

Mrs Benn.