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Holy Family Catholic Primary School



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  1. News
  2. Year 5
  3. Year 5 information and residential meeting

Year 5 information and residential meeting

5 September 2024 (by holyfamily)

Dear Parents,

We have had a wonderful two days welcoming your fantastic children back to school. We are very proud of how well they have taken to life in Upper Key Stage Two and their behaviour has been exemplary. 

Here is some information for the start of the term in Year 5:

PE days 

This term our PE days will be Tuesday and Friday. Please can children come to school in their PE uniforms on these days and ensure any earrings are either removed or that the child is able to remove them independently.


  • Reading: 20-25 minutes independent reading daily to be recorded in the Reading folder on Showbie. Once they have finished their book, children should write a review to include the title and author, the plot and what they liked or disliked about the book. This can be done by following the link on Showbie.  
  • Times tables: to be practised daily for ten minutes using TT Rockstars or an alternative method.
  • Spellings: to be practised using Spelling Shed or an alternative method. 

Please do get in touch if you are unable to access any of these online platforms.

Residential meeting

We will be holding a residential meeting in the Year 5 classroom on Thursday 12th September.  The meeting will begin at 3:40pm and will last around 15 minutes. You are welcome to bring your children with you to the meeting as it is a good chance to ask any questions regarding the trip.

If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to speak with us or you can contact me via email on

Thank you for your support 

The Year 5 Team