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Holy Family Catholic Primary School



01229 828018

  1. News
  2. Year 1
  3. Year 1 Information

Year 1 Information

5 September 2024 (by holyfamily)

Hello and welcome back to a new and exciting school year! We would firstly like to say a huge thank you to all of our new Year 1 children for being so wonderful this week. We are so proud of how well they are settling in and we are really looking forward to a fantastic year with them all.

Here is some information for the start of term in Year 1:

PE and Outdoor Day

This term our PE days will be Thursday and Friday and our outdoor day will be on Thursday. Please can children come to school in their PE uniforms on Thursdays and Fridays and have any earrings taken out. For outdoor days, please ensure children also bring their waterproofs and wellies.


Next week we will begin to give out reading books and reading records and we will also provide you with some more information on reading and phonics in Year 1. If any children still have their Reception reading records, please could they be brought in to use next week whilst we are waiting for new ones to be delivered.


We will continue to use Tapestry in Year 1 to record the children’s learning across all areas of the curriculum so please look out for observations and pictures on there. 


Mrs Johnson will teach in Year 1 Monday - Thursday and Mrs J will teach all day Friday. Mr Bowker will teach on Thursday afternoons. Our teaching assistants are Mrs Waddington, Mrs Pepper and Miss Harrison.

Finally, if any children would like to bring in a colouring book and pencil case to keep in their boxes for wet play times they are very welcome to do so. 

If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to speak with us at drop off/pick up times or you can also contact me on

Thank you for your support this week and we hope you all have a lovely weekend!

The Year 1 Team